Schaakvereniging Raadsheer-Corbulo
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In positions of strategic manoeuvring (where time is not of decisive importance) seek the worst-placed piece. Activating that piece is often the most reliable way of improving your position as a whole.
--Mark Dvoretsky & Artur Yusupov
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Chess challenges for: Christiaan B
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Chess games for: Christiaan B
Partij Last activity Status Rated?
1826 1826 Christiaan B vs Jan B - 4 02 June Christiaan B won Ja
1839 1839 Joost S vs Christiaan B 02 June Christiaan B won Ja
1834 1834 Christiaan B vs Joost S 12 May Christiaan B won Ja
1835 1835 Joost S vs Christiaan B 05 May Christiaan B won Ja
1831 1831 Joost S vs Christiaan B 21 April Christiaan B won Ja
1830 1830 Christiaan B vs Joost S 16 April Christiaan B won Ja
1819 1819 Osman B vs Christiaan B 07 April Christiaan B won Ja
1821 1821 Christiaan B vs Osman B 06 April Christiaan B won Ja
1829 1829 Joost S vs Christiaan B 21 March Christiaan B won Ja
1828 1828 Christiaan B vs Joost S 21 March Christiaan B won Ja
1799 1799 Rick vD vs Christiaan B 17 October Christiaan B won Ja
1800 1800 Christiaan B vs Rick vD 15 September Christiaan B won Ja
1798 1798 Rick vD vs Christiaan B 08 September Christiaan B won Ja
1804 1804 Joost S vs Christiaan B 21 August Christiaan B won Ja
1793 1793 Osman B vs Christiaan B 27 June Christiaan B won Ja
1705 1705 Rick vD vs Christiaan B 04 April Christiaan B won Ja
1776 1776 Joost S vs Christiaan B 11 March Christiaan B won Ja
1775 1775 Joost S vs Christiaan B 10 March Christiaan B won Ja
1779 1779 Christiaan B vs Joost S 07 March Christiaan B won Ja
1778 1778 Christiaan B vs Joost S 06 March Christiaan B won Ja
1777 1777 Joost S vs Christiaan B 04 March Christiaan B won Ja
1706 1706 Christiaan B vs Rick vD 11 February Christiaan B won Ja
1756 1756 Christiaan B vs Osman B 28 September Christiaan B won Ja
1761 1761 Christiaan B vs Joost S 24 September Christiaan B won Ja
1762 1762 Joost S vs Christiaan B 21 September Christiaan B won Ja
« 1 2 (3) 4 5 6 7 »  

Chess stats for: Christiaan B
Ranked 1
Rating 2362
Rated games played 169
Won Verloor Remise
166 0 3

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Wachtwoord vergeten?
Beste Schakers
1 Christiaan B 2362
2 Rob E 2034
3 Jan dP 1999
4 Piet J 1951
5 Rick vD 1925
6 Marcel D 1920
7 Herman R 1909
8 Arjan vdM 1855
9 Marco V 1849
10 Joost S 1820
Meest Actief
Nieuwe Schakers
12-05-2020 Muhannad K
23-04-2020 Lasse O
23-04-2020 Stan O
22-04-2020 Jan Z - 2
29-05-2019 Otmar E
07-04-2019 Patrick R
13-03-2019 Ali C
06-10-2018 Frits P
03-07-2018 Adrey C
12-01-2018 Walter K